10 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home!

We understand that the home-selling journey can be challenging, and home staging can be a true ally in your selling strategy. Home staging helps provide a 5% increase in the dollar value offered by buyers - when done correctly.

Our professional and certified home stagers at Beyond The Stage Homes made a list of the Top 10 mistakes commonly made when preparing a property for sale.


With access to so many resources with tips for selling your home, including TV, the Internet, and DIY books, it’s easy to misinterpret the information provided in these resources and apply these techniques incorrectly. Every home is unique and should be staged as such. Certified Home Staging Professionals are trained to deal with all challenges and types of rooms and have the solutions to help your house make a lasting impression.


Did you know? Only 10% of buyers can visualize a space! Vacant rooms appear smaller to potential buyers and raise concerns regarding furniture placement. Don’t lose out on 90% of the buyers – ensure that all rooms are staged! You can learn about what to do with empty rooms and how to avoid the “vacant room” mistake in our previous blog post.

Staging With Random Furniture

When a space lacks the furniture to define and fill it effectively, we often hear things such as “My mom has an extra coffee table” and “My friend said I could borrow some art.” These pieces are intended to coordinate with their respective owners’ styles and furnishings and may appear out of place in your home. Use caution when borrowing any items.

Bare Walls

Frequently, we are greeted with properties that lack any wall decorations. Homeowners commonly suffer from a fear of commitment – to artwork. Afraid to put holes in the walls until they find that “perfect piece,” they find themselves years later with an unfinished room. Wall furnishings help to pull the space together and provide a warm, “cozy” look and feel. Avoid personal wall pieces (such as personal photos and collections) for selling purposes, and swap these for more neutral artwork.

Staging AFTER Listing

You reach the most significant number of buyers within the first two weeks that the house is listed on the market – be sure to make the best first impression possible by showing your home at its absolute finest from day one.

Too Much Furniture

When selling your home, less really is more. Ensure that furniture and other items are not interrupting the proper flow of the room. Too much furniture will make the room look and feel smaller. Remove the dresser or extra couch that doesn’t fit in the room, and ensure all walkways are clear. Buyers will not notice that a piece of furniture is missing from a room, but they will notice out-of-place items and an awkwardly furnished space.


It’s often challenging to detect odours in your own home, but if you have pets, previous moisture damage, or smoke cigarettes or cigars in your house, these lingering odours will raise red flags with potential buyers. Avoid covering these with artificial air fresheners and instead work to remove the source. If possible, take your pets out of the property when the house is on the market, fix damaged areas, air out the house, paint the walls, and smoke outside.

Poor Listing Photos

If your real estate agent does not include professional photography as a part of your listing package, consider investing in this yourself – 90% of home buyers shop online first! Make sure your home is staged correctly and prepared for photography. You’ve worked hard to set up your home to sell, be sure that this comes through with quality photos as well.


Hire a professional! Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, lawyers, and home stagers all have the training and skills to help you with your home buying and selling needs. Enlist the help of a skilled trade professional such as a plumber, electrician, or general contractor for home upgrades. DIY has its place for minor updates or repairs, but when it comes to selling your most significant investment, it’s best to leave it to the pros.


When listing your home for sale, ensure it is white glove clean before your first showing. This is precisely how it sounds – leave no stone unturned and clean every surface, nook, and cranny.

If you are preparing your property for sale and would like a full custom report on what you should do to maximize your property's potential and get the best results, you can book a consultation with our award-winning home staging team.