BTSH Reflects on 2017

As another year comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past 12 months, and peer through the looking glass at the year ahead. We want to thank you for continuing to be a part of our journey, and look forward to another year serving the residents of Waterloo Region.

So what made this year so fantastic? Here are just a few things that happened at Beyond The Stage Homes - thank you for being a part of it!

January - Shauna Lynn Simon and Jennifer Roth attended the biggest home staging industry event in North America, RESACON in Las Vegas, where they continued to develop their skills and build relationships. In addition, Beyond The Stage Homes’ sister company, SLS Academy, was honoured as a finalist for Most Innovative Product for their Client Care Package, a staple in all BTSH consultations since inception.

January – Shauna Lynn was officially sworn in as the Canadian Representative on the National Board of Directors for the Real Estate Staging Association. In her 2-year term, her aim is to grow a stronger home staging community across the country, build awareness for the industry, and forge relationships with Canadian home staging leaders. In her first year, she has travelled to visit all Canadian RESA Chapters, and was instrumental in bringing the

Staging to Sell – What Every Agent Should Know professional development course to Canada. The inaugural Canadian class was taught right here in Kitchener-Waterloo in September, providing savvy KW agents with the CSA (Certified Staging Advocate) designation. 

April – Spring is a time to refresh, and BTSH took this as a great opportunity to refresh our home staging inventory! We sold off most of our inventory, helping us to clear out space to bring in new, top-quality items for staging our homes, as we continue to be Waterloo Region’s #1 choice for vacant home staging.


May - BTSH continues to be a proud sponsor of the KW MS Walk by raising funds at our hosted home sellers workshops, providing TeamMS prizes at the walk, and volunteering their time before, during, and following the event. This event helps to raise much needed funds for the MS Society’s Grand River chapter.

July - Received 1st place Diamond Award for the Waterloo Chronicle Reader Awards Interior Design/Furnishings Category 2017

October - Received 1st place Diamond Award for the Record Reader Awards Favourite Interior Decorator 2017 (our 3rd year in a row, thank you so much!!).


Other notables of 2017:

BTSH enjoyed surprising clients with home-grown maple syrup from Harvey Martin Farm, in commemoration of Canada’s 150!

Shauna Lynn was featured on CTV, Rogers Daytime, podcasts, blogs, and more!

We continue to support local businesses and new entrepreneurs through the Waterloo Region Small Business Centre. Shauna Lynn is a volunteer mentor with the centre, and has provided leadership through guest speaking and 1-on-1 coaching.

We met some incredible people throughout the year, and we couldn’t forget about the furry friends that we made as well.

What does 2018 have in store?

You know what they – time flies when you’re having fun! Well, we cannot believe that the spring of 2018 will mark our 10 year anniversary – stay tuned for details on how you can help us to celebrate this incredible milestone!

In July, Jennifer Roth and Shauna Lynn Simon will attend the 2018 RESA Convention at M Resort in Las Vegas where SLS Academy will be exhibiting once again. 

Beyond The Stage Homes will continue to make Waterloo Region’s homes beautiful, and service our clients in the only way that we know how – by always exceeding expectations in our designs, and in our service, and by creating a home that they can cherish, regardless of whether they are selling staying.

Wishing you a healthy and prosperous 2018!

All the best, from Shauna Lynn and the entire BTSH team

Phone: 1-266-240-0766
