Scenic Photos
We all take way too many scenic pictures when we travel, and often with the landscaping as our muse, even the most amateur photographer can turn out some amazing shots. Yet we seldom actually get around to printing them out. Why not have your favourite scenic shot enlarged, matted and framed. You can also have it custom mounted for a sleek, contemporary look.
Decorative Collage
Renting Artwork
Check with your local gallery to find out who your up and coming local artists are, or simply Google it. Most artists will rent their works to you for a nominal monthly fee. This provides you with wonderfully original artwork, as well as allow the artist a little extra exposure. Be sure to put a plug in for the artist to anyone inquiring about the art.
Childish Inspiration
Has your child ever produced a masterpiece that you think truly belongs in a museum? Instead of hanging it on the fridge (which by the way is a big no-no when selling your home), frame it and hang it! The first image below shows my 3 year old niece’s handiwork, which also turned out to be the inspiration for my office. The other 3 were dollar store canvases I picked up while looking after my friend’s children (ages 7-10). I covered the table with a plastic tablecloth, set out several paints and brushes, and left the little artists to their own devices. It was amazing what they turned out! The paints were also purchased from the dollar store, but you can also buy them at any craft store. To save money remember, if you buy primary colours, then you can make all the other ones you’ll need.
Written by Shauna Lynn, Beyond The Stage Homes